More about me and what I do

Personal Journey

How I got here

Here, be impressed…
I have a Ph.D. in Education Leadership, a M.S. in Exercise Psychology, and a B.A. in History. I spent 15 years teaching students from 6th grade to Ph.D’s. I’ve spent the last few leading a team responsible for professional development facilitation. I’ve coached leaders, built teams, spoke in front of big groups, and published articles in academic journals and popular outlets. I’ve crossed an Ironman finish line and run marathons on streets and across mountain trails.

Okay, now let me be real..
Most of that stuff was a pursuit of earning approval through achievement and it sucked. I’ve struggled to know who I am and what my gifts are. I’ve failed at starting three businesses, have multiple book drafts unfinished in the purgatory of Google Drive, and have stood in the darkness of anxiety and melancholy for not being good enough.

I know I’m not alone. My work as a facilitator, speaker, and writer is for anyone like me. I try to give practical ideas to pursue life to the full (John 10:10) to anyone who has a family, leads teams, or cares about their relationships.

In this section, we will highlight the awards and recognitions you or your business has earned. We will use this section to highlight your personal or company achievements in order to build credibility in the minds of website visitors.

Leadership, in all of life, if the choice to give up the privilege of self-indulgence

Ryan MacTaggart

Being open to rethinking our assumptions and redefining the good life
So what?

Cool, but how does the work get done?

Things I do

  • I write. Blogs, articles, and aspire to books. Writing is the best path to clear ideas.
  • I facilitate. Workshops, webinars, and conversations about rethinking leadership assumptions. Teaching is the best form of learning.
  • I speak. Keynotes, small sessions, one-on-one conversations like podcasts and over coffee. No audience too small. Life changes in conversation.

Topics I’ve been into

  • How leaders build and destroy trust.
  • How to breakdown echo chambers in order to learn and grow even if your ego hates it.
  • How men should build fellowship through love instead of competition.
  • How to pursue the truth in the messy-middle of our polarized society
  • How to create leadership development programs that actually teach leadership, not management hidden as leadership.
  • Creating a home and workplace of mattering.
  • Being awesome at what you do, without being an a**hole along the way.
  • Delegation as a super power of empowerment.
  • Maturity 2.0 to leave the grind behind and step into depth and presence.
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