
The LIFE Council

Operate with Love | Maintain Integrity | Champion Fellowship | Pursue Excellence

LIFE Enacted Guide

Available Now! Introducing the LIFE Enacted Guide! This 5-part digital download will walk you through the paradigm-shifting process I used to stop setting empty goals and instead commit to LIFE change that helped me break negative thought patterns, minimize self-doubt, build my faith, strengthen my marriage, launch the LIFE Council, and more in the past year. Goals and New Years Resolutions are an old solution to the timeless problem of how to change your life for the better – this guide is a new approach based on new research of habits, change, mindset, and more.

  • 5 parts in 29 pages of intentional content and exercises
  • ~30-60 minutes per part
  • Instant access with download and print
  • An introduction section to outline the guide and how to best use it
  • Recommended reading list
  • Become a part of the LIFE movement

The LIFE Council is a lifestyle and community of like-minded people who believe most of us walk through life without ever knowing how great we can be. We exist to optimize individual and collective experiences through intentional relationships guided by LIFE principles of love, integrity, fellowship, and excellence. Our focus is men helping other men be healthier and better friends, husbands, fathers, leaders, and community builders. But our principles and work can apply to everyone.

To learn more about The LIFE Council and myself, check out this recent podcast I did with Troy Ismir of Barbells & Brothers

Barbells & Brothers: How to Optimize Our Lives with Ryan MacTaggart

Join the Movement

The power of our first LIFE Council sparked the ignition of a movement. If you are a man, or have men in your close family, you know that male isolation is a real problem. When men are isolated away from close friendships they are often less healthy, less happy, and less fulfilled. We truly believe that the first step in living optimally is relationships. Connections are the foundation on which you can build your health, family, career, and more. Without the foundation, the rest will crumble.

The call is for men to find themselves in the strength of the group. We want to give you all the tools necessary to create a council and build a life of love, integrity, fellowship, and excellence together. This isn’t a guys weekend. This is living with intention and accountability. This is council and direction.

Find out more about the foundation of a LIFE Council, who we are, and how we hope to help through spreading ideas, providing retreat material, and facilitating meaningful interaction.

You are called to lead, love, and live well. Start now. Start here.

“Without good direction, people lose their way;
    the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.

See my latest Weekend Challenge posts to learn what we’re all about and the kind of LIFEstyle we hope to live.

The LIFE Council exists on two foundational beliefs:

One, we have a problem with loneliness. In 2016, I had a problem – almost all of my good friends had been lost in the abyss of a professional goal. Time moved forward but my friendships had halted. A quick Google search will tell you all you need to know about the risks of loneliness: anxiety (my personal brand), depression, poor sleep, anger, less life satisfaction, more physical health problems, and so it spirals. Turn on the news and you see it in action. We are struggling to make and keep meaningful relationships.

Second, we do not have to settle for this new normal. When I realized my loneliness, I began to reconnect with three people I knew could call me up to a better life – Daniel, Matthew, and Dan. In January 2019, The LIFE Council was born. Our experiences have been powerful and we knew we had to share them with the world. Today, I am on a mission to help people develop intentional relationships that fight off depression, anxiety, and fear in order to champion love, integrity, fellowship, and excellence.

What we believe

We are guided by four LIFE principles:

Operate with Love. Upholding a nuanced mentality regarding love; to be caring partners, healthy colleagues, and community contributors.  

Maintain Integrity. Aligning our beliefs with our words and actions in a society that is excessively self-focused and encourages blame. 

Champion Fellowship. Moving together toward a life of positive energy, trusting relationships, humility, excitement, and security.

Pursue Excellence. Optimizing our lives holistically — relationally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. An excellent life is attainable for each of us in ways that honor the differences in who we are and who we love. Excellence is not a competition; rather, a mountain we climb together.  

What We Do

The LIFE Council is a growing movement and constantly adapting to the needs we see around us. We operate in multiple ways to inspire, educate, and inform:

1. Blogs and content creation to curate ideas related to LIFE, optimized living, and meaningful relationships

2. Self-paced digital downloads to build LIFE principles.

3. Guided small-group, Council retreats for intentional relationships toward the LIFE principles.

4. One-on-one coaching for individuals pursuing a better LIFE.

5. Speaking and workshops for established groups seeking more fulfilling experiences and relationships.

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