I’m a generalist and won’t apologize for it. Over the past decade, I’ve used my curiosity to coach athletes, teach high school students, research leadership, start a brand, write blogs, and create a life I love.

It wasn’t always that way for me. For much of my life, I wallowed in self-doubt and anxiety. Fear drove me to strong resume bullets but never fulfilled me. Then, I realized I wasn’t alone. There is a whole group of individuals doing their best to build a life of fulfillment and finding the foundation to be sand.

My journey now is to find and share insights into life’s curious questions, issues, and opportunities.

My most recent articles:

  • Closing the Leadership Gap Between Talk and Walk
    Make the gap between your walk and your talk a blessing in your leadership and your life. Don’t try to outsmart your gap, create a vision of the leader you want to be, and find an outsider who you can help you take an honest look at who you are and who you want to be.
  • The Battle for Love: An Introduction
    A draft introduction to my next project. A book on love and the battle we must wage to reignite it amidst a culture seemingly set on extinguishing it. Read time: 7 minutes, 30 seconds

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